Tales of Vesperia is a Japanese RPG for the Xbox 360. The game's story is fun and enjoyable. Each character has their own personality. It's basically an anime that you control in a sense.
The graphics are simple cartoons, but they're easy to look at and very pleasing. They never get boring, that's for sure, but I don't think that the developers were using the Xbox 360's full potential.
The voice acting is very good, but there are several key plot points Where there is no voice acting at all, and that frustrated me at times, However, the BGM (background music) is splendid. It can get a little repetitive at times, but it's still very good.
The game is very fun to play. There is a lot of plot, you'll find that half the time you're listening to the characters speak, or reading their chat bubbles, but don't fret, the story is superb, it's full of twists and turns and it hooks you in quickly. You start off with the main character, Yuri, and then you eventually find people that join your troop. In combat you get to pick four people from your little Entourage to fight with. So you have a lot of choices on the customization of your team. Combat can also be multiplayer, which I personally reccommend doing with a friend or relative, it's much more fun. A downside to the combat is that the camera mainly focuses on Player 1, so you're friends will have to Get used to an awkward camera angle, but it's not all that hard to Get used to. In order to get into a battle in the first place you must run into a monster, or a monster must run into you. The monsters come after you as Soon as they see you by the way. During a battle you basically whack and slash, occasionally using a skill, that is if you're a melee character. There is also a mage, a healer, a bowman, and hybrids. Tales of Vesperia is a very unique game and I reccommend getting it if you like RPGs or even anime.
Overall rating:
This game was very fun and charming, but the developers could have done much more with it. It seems unfinished in a sense, but I had a great time playing Tales of Vesperia. I reccommend buying it and playing with some friends, it's a really great game.
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