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Review: Atlantica: Online

Review: Atlantica Online

Lately I have been playing Atlantica Online. Atlantica is an MMORPG with a very compelling plot and features turn based combat very similar to Final Fantasy or even Pokemon.


Controls are very simple. If you've ever played World of Warcraft or any other MMORPG, its the same basic thing. The setup is very WoW esque and some might say that without the combat, it is World of Warcraft. The only thing thats a bit buggy is the camera. Since 50% of the time your in cramped dungeons, the camera has a tendency to hide behind the wall, making your screen black. However, this isnt as big of an issue as one might think.

Grade: 8/10


Graphics are good. Nothing incredible, but good. Its hard for me to really grade it because I've only played 3-4 3D MMO's. I like to play on low settings since it reduces lag so I guess I can't e much of a critic. Its getting to this point in day and age where a new game can only have such good visuals. The game does graphics nicely however.

Grade: 7.5/10


The music is decent. Each town has a set music, boss "rooms" have music, but other than that its the same music. 1 traveling/walking track and 1 battle track. The music although limited, his good and adds very nicely to the gameplay.

Grade: 7/10


Ahh, now the gameplay, or in other words, pretty much the summary of the game. There's a lot to talk about here so I'm just going to put it into short paragraphs.

First, the leveling system. The max level in the North Amercian version is 120 (although it was just recently increased to 130 in the Asian version). You do quests and fight monsters to increase the level of you and your mercinaries (who I'll talk about in the next paragraph). The leveling system is pretty balanced. It not like some MMO's where the difference between level 1 and 2 is like 75% more exp. Its pretty easy to level. I got my main character to level 66 in 10 days (how long I've beenplaying)

The next thing is the mercinaries. If you have ever played Final Fantasy you should know what I mean without even reading this, but for those of you who havent layed such games, allow me to explain. You start off with the basic mercinaries: Axe, spear, sword, gun, archer, and shamen (healer). Every 10 levels or so you unlock a series a quests you can do to unlock a new mercinary. For example, at level 44 you unlock the quests to unlock the Beast Tamer (an axe woman who rides on a tiger and can summon monsters to attack enemies). These quests however, are very long, which kind of make them worth it to get the mercs. Most will take about 4-6 hours of gameplay to finish them all. Although, as you unlock the extremely high level mercinaries (level 100+) the quests can take up to 24 hours of gameplay. Also, when you unlock the mercinaries, before you get them, they are in the form of the marble or casket which allows you to sell them for an added bonus.

Next, there are the quests, if you have ever played World of Warcraft the quests are EXACTLY the same. Usually there is a patern:

Talk to someone
Kill something
Talk to a few people
Get them an item
Kill something
Talk to people
Kill a boss


They're not that creative but it still adds positivley to the gameplay. Also, one thing I have notices and I think is a GREAT addition is the kindness they force upon you. Nearing your level 30-60's a decent numer of quests are like "Give an item to a new player", or "answer a new players question". I think this is great as it almost forces people to be nice. I remember when I first started I had fond memories of recieving countless random gifts that definatly helped me out.

Lastly, the crafting system and the economy. Pretty much every item is attained from drops or crafting. The only problem is the economy. Equips are waaay to cheap and random items used for crafting are too expensive. There are no items you can craft and actually make money off of which kind of defeats the purpose of it.

Grade: 8.5/10


Overall this game is really fun, the combat system is very fun and the inclusion of guilds makes multiplayer a great option. I would defiantly reccomend trying this game out. And ifya do, don't forget to put "Womp" as your referer and then send me a message so we can chat.

Overall Grade: 8/10

Comments (6)

Nice review.

Thank you

This game is like a lag fest for me... And Oh yeah, I found the comment box! :P (You should know who it is by now)

dis game suxs liek u

Oh thats cool. I'm not that into 3D games that much. A game you should review is "Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion" for the PS3. Its got great storyline and graphics. Check it out!

I would review it, but I dont own a PS3 :[

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