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Atlantica Monk FAQ/Guide

Alright for those who play Atlantica Online, the purpose of a monk can be quite confusing. A monk is present in almost every formation. Even the top players have a monk. There are some that do not use monks but the reasion is because they use scrolls to compensate. There are 4 skills that monks have.

1. Awakening
Sets the stun counter to 0 and also heals slightly.

2. Holy Gaurd
With this skill, your mercs will be immune to every magic skill. Heals the mercs slightly every turn.

3. Protect
The main character will receive bonus defense and will get healed every turn as long as the monk is not silenced/stunned/sealed/frozen.

4. Shield of Protection
Heals the main character whenever he or she is damaged by physical attacks.

-Okay so what is so great about these skills?
Well these skills are universally used that people often get 2 monks.

-Alright I have a monk now. What do i do?
Well you want to max shield of protection. Make awakening lvl 11 so the skill doesn't miss and put the rest of the points in holy gaurd.

-Hmm double monk formation interests me. What should i do for them?
For one monk, do the same thing answered in the previous question. On the other monk, you want to set protect to lvl 1 since the healing amount in lvl 1 and lvl 60 is negligible. Holy gaurd should be maxed and the rest to awakening.

-Okay any tips on double monk formation?
In pvp it is crucial to holy gaurd one of the monks since almost every one has a exorcist (mana seal). Do not place the monks on the same row since stun can penetrate holy gaurd.

-Uh I still dont like monk that much. How can i still compete without one?
This option requires a bit of money. You have to buy awakening scrolls which are cheap in some servers and expensive in others. Use the awakening scroll when ur mercs have a stun counter of 1 (when your mercs get attacked once). If the scroll is used with a stun counter of 2, the scroll may not be triggered.

Benfits of Single Monk
This build is average and only requires some scroll usage at higher divs. You have room for more mercs to damage.

Benefits of Double Monk
This build allows you to do double holy gaurd and double awakening. Scroll are not needed unless if the opponent is a massive stunner. Less room for mercs doing damage. The main character can tank no matter what level because of SoP and protect.

Benefits of no Monk
You have a lot of mercs that can cause damage. Massive scrolling is required.

Atlantica Stun Guide

[I] Introduction

As a div 9 player, I still see people in free league that do not know how to stun. The concept of stun is simpler than what most people think. Basically, in order to stun, you have to hit the opposing merc at least once for three turns in a row.

For example let O= your mercs and X=your opponent's mercs

on the first turn u hit the viking thus making the stun counter =1


your opponent attacks your viking on his turn to make the stun counter = 1

now it is your turn and u shoot with a gunner causing the viking to have a stun counter of 2 and the mercs behind a stun counter of 1

well your opponent has a spear and attacks your viking causing the stun counter to be 2 and the merc behind a stun counter of 1.

now you see the viking looking down because it is tired so you decide to snipe it with an archer.
congrats now the viking is stunned in the process since the stun counter is 3.

However awakening sets the stun counter to 0, so you have to pay attention to each mercernary you hit.

[II] Benefits of Stun

When the opponent is stunned, he or she can not move. Every damage received is also doubled. Ap does not recover in a stunned state.

[III] How to prevent Stun

1. Awaken the monk at combo 1 - if you don't, you risk combo 2 + mana seal. Remember that your monk is your most importnat character, and if he gets stunned, the rest of your formation is prone to stun as well.

2. Don't waste AP - When your monk has an activation, make sure he's not doing anything stupid. If you attack with your monk, he loses 100 AP. That is AP that could have been spent awakening or Holy Guarding. Make sure it does not go to waste.

3. Use scrolls - especially when you get to higher divisions, scrolls can make a huge difference. Throwing up an awakening scroll is like casting awakening on all your mercs, which can come in handy if your monk is stunned/sealed.

(Another) New WRITER!

I'd personally like to welcome Rush. Rush specializes in Computer gaming so we'll hopefully get a new taste of games from his reviews. Please look forward to his articles.

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Review: Tales of Vesperia



Tales of Vesperia is a Japanese RPG for the Xbox 360. The game's story is fun and enjoyable. Each character has their own personality. It's basically an anime that you control in a sense.

The graphics are simple cartoons, but they're easy to look at and very pleasing. They never get boring, that's for sure, but I don't think that the developers were using the Xbox 360's full potential.

The voice acting is very good, but there are several key plot points Where there is no voice acting at all, and that frustrated me at times, However, the BGM (background music) is splendid. It can get a little repetitive at times, but it's still very good.

The game is very fun to play. There is a lot of plot, you'll find that half the time you're listening to the characters speak, or reading their chat bubbles, but don't fret, the story is superb, it's full of twists and turns and it hooks you in quickly. You start off with the main character, Yuri, and then you eventually find people that join your troop. In combat you get to pick four people from your little Entourage to fight with. So you have a lot of choices on the customization of your team. Combat can also be multiplayer, which I personally reccommend doing with a friend or relative, it's much more fun. A downside to the combat is that the camera mainly focuses on Player 1, so you're friends will have to Get used to an awkward camera angle, but it's not all that hard to Get used to. In order to get into a battle in the first place you must run into a monster, or a monster must run into you. The monsters come after you as Soon as they see you by the way. During a battle you basically whack and slash, occasionally using a skill, that is if you're a melee character. There is also a mage, a healer, a bowman, and hybrids. Tales of Vesperia is a very unique game and I reccommend getting it if you like RPGs or even anime.

Overall rating:
This game was very fun and charming, but the developers could have done much more with it. It seems unfinished in a sense, but I had a great time playing Tales of Vesperia. I reccommend buying it and playing with some friends, it's a really great game.

Hi, I'm Max!

Hello everyone who just happens to read this. I'm Max, and I'll be some what of an important person on the blog. I'm 15, and a total nerd for games. Also if you message me on any form of networking, I mostly likely will respond. I hope you like my posting style. Please check out the blog, and tell you friends. Thanks!


New additons to the team!

I'd like to introduce Max and Gunnar our newest writers. Both of them vary in all of the games they play so they will have a lot to bring to the table. And since Its not just me posting anymore, we are going to need a new name which will be under construction in the next few days.

Review: Atlantica: Online


Review: Atlantica Online

Lately I have been playing Atlantica Online. Atlantica is an MMORPG with a very compelling plot and features turn based combat very similar to Final Fantasy or even Pokemon.


Controls are very simple. If you've ever played World of Warcraft or any other MMORPG, its the same basic thing. The setup is very WoW esque and some might say that without the combat, it is World of Warcraft. The only thing thats a bit buggy is the camera. Since 50% of the time your in cramped dungeons, the camera has a tendency to hide behind the wall, making your screen black. However, this isnt as big of an issue as one might think.

Grade: 8/10


Graphics are good. Nothing incredible, but good. Its hard for me to really grade it because I've only played 3-4 3D MMO's. I like to play on low settings since it reduces lag so I guess I can't e much of a critic. Its getting to this point in day and age where a new game can only have such good visuals. The game does graphics nicely however.

Grade: 7.5/10


The music is decent. Each town has a set music, boss "rooms" have music, but other than that its the same music. 1 traveling/walking track and 1 battle track. The music although limited, his good and adds very nicely to the gameplay.

Grade: 7/10


Ahh, now the gameplay, or in other words, pretty much the summary of the game. There's a lot to talk about here so I'm just going to put it into short paragraphs.

First, the leveling system. The max level in the North Amercian version is 120 (although it was just recently increased to 130 in the Asian version). You do quests and fight monsters to increase the level of you and your mercinaries (who I'll talk about in the next paragraph). The leveling system is pretty balanced. It not like some MMO's where the difference between level 1 and 2 is like 75% more exp. Its pretty easy to level. I got my main character to level 66 in 10 days (how long I've beenplaying)

The next thing is the mercinaries. If you have ever played Final Fantasy you should know what I mean without even reading this, but for those of you who havent layed such games, allow me to explain. You start off with the basic mercinaries: Axe, spear, sword, gun, archer, and shamen (healer). Every 10 levels or so you unlock a series a quests you can do to unlock a new mercinary. For example, at level 44 you unlock the quests to unlock the Beast Tamer (an axe woman who rides on a tiger and can summon monsters to attack enemies). These quests however, are very long, which kind of make them worth it to get the mercs. Most will take about 4-6 hours of gameplay to finish them all. Although, as you unlock the extremely high level mercinaries (level 100+) the quests can take up to 24 hours of gameplay. Also, when you unlock the mercinaries, before you get them, they are in the form of the marble or casket which allows you to sell them for an added bonus.

Next, there are the quests, if you have ever played World of Warcraft the quests are EXACTLY the same. Usually there is a patern:

Talk to someone
Kill something
Talk to a few people
Get them an item
Kill something
Talk to people
Kill a boss


They're not that creative but it still adds positivley to the gameplay. Also, one thing I have notices and I think is a GREAT addition is the kindness they force upon you. Nearing your level 30-60's a decent numer of quests are like "Give an item to a new player", or "answer a new players question". I think this is great as it almost forces people to be nice. I remember when I first started I had fond memories of recieving countless random gifts that definatly helped me out.

Lastly, the crafting system and the economy. Pretty much every item is attained from drops or crafting. The only problem is the economy. Equips are waaay to cheap and random items used for crafting are too expensive. There are no items you can craft and actually make money off of which kind of defeats the purpose of it.

Grade: 8.5/10


Overall this game is really fun, the combat system is very fun and the inclusion of guilds makes multiplayer a great option. I would defiantly reccomend trying this game out. And ifya do, don't forget to put "Womp" as your referer and then send me a message so we can chat.

Overall Grade: 8/10

Review: Fable 2, Overated?


This is my review for Fable II. I am going to review it on the following:

First Impressions


First Impressions

When you first start, you are thrown into your life as child. You and your sister are trying to get enough money for a "magic box". Basically for the first hour of the game you just walk around doing quite honestly boring quests. The story is a bit compelling and draws you in so I guess that forgives it but quite frankly it just seemed like an unnecessary chapter in the game. It was decent though because since you were not thrown directly into combat, the game gave you some time to get used to the controls.

Grade: 6/10



The graphics were sadly, one of the only great things about this game. They were absolutely stunning. The colors were very vibrant, and the environment was constantly updating with time of day which added a little flair. I don't know what else to say about the graphics, I'll post a couple of screenshots so you can get a basic idea.

Grade: 8.5/10



Usually a game has very unique audio (or at least new games). This game however, seemed sub-par. I music was decent, but it seemed like the developers just googled: "Adventure Music". It was good and not distracting, but it didn't seem to add to the gameplay.




I guess this is the main part of the review. The gameplay can be divided into a few different sub-catagories. First, the controls, the controls were very basic and easy to use, the camera was a bit buggy at times ut for the most part, it knew what you wanted to do. The game basically consists of you doing quests to unite three heroes, all while increasing the stats of your main character. This is where the game is flawed. The combat system was very, very unbalanced. Guns, your only form of range asically required no skill. There was no ammo and all you had to do was smack your little trigger happy fingers against the trigger on the controller and your enemy should fall down eventually. Melee is not far from the same. Its basically button mashing with very few combos that aren't even worth unlocking. And then there's magic. Magic basically consists of standing still, defenceless, charging your spell while the 30+ enemies run up to butt fuck you. However, you may think this makes magic useless right? WRONG! After charging your spell to max (about 10 seconds) you litterally obliterate anything and everything on your screen. This is including bosses which with a decent magic spell, can be slayn within 30 seconds. Having the ability to gain max magic before even half the game is over really makes it too easy and not as fun.

Lastly, on a sidenote, after you beat this game, there is very little replay value. You supposed to "go through and conquor the land" but quite frankly, the moment I beat it, I couldnt help myself from turning it off only to sell it to my friend for $20 the next day.

Grade: 6/10



Basically, this game is a decent game. I was let down a lot just because of all of the hype. Then again, not playing Fable 1 might have seperated me from the fanboys. Truth is, this game is decent. There are no ground breaking features. Currently you can get this game for about 30 bucks used. I think that's a decent price if you are nterested in this type of game.

Overall grade: 6.5/10

Me & This Blog: In a Nutshell

Hello, my name is Dan. I am an average guy. I hang out with friends, I watch TV, I skateboard, but first and foremost I am a gamer. I love all games (well almost all). I play Racing games, shooters, RPG's, MMORPG's, Arcade games, and more! I am, and always have been a geek. I wear that title proud and throughout my newfound hobbie of blogging, you'll learn more about me and the games I play. I'm interested in all sorts of writing and I believe I have the ability to keep you all interested. I'm going to post everything from reviews, previews, and just how I spend my life. I know you're thinking: "Psh, I dont really care who this guy is.". I perfectly understand that, and that is why I am going to make this blog first and foremost an entertaining and informing. Anyway, enough of this rambling. I'm new to blogging but please, tell your friends about me, favorite this page, link it to another, ANYTHING! If you keep my blog alive, I'll make sure to keep it updated.

~ Dan